HIIT (high intensity interval training ) are total body workout with maximum physical workout with minimum rest . the exercise will take that total-body workouts, with intervals of HIIT that include both resistance and cardio, are highly effective. thus involves performing an all-out, exhaustive physical effort for a short span of time.
The main emphasis of HIIT should be a routine that goes hard for 50-60 seconds and then breaks for 1-2 minutes, depending upon the exercise involved. As you performing HIIT, you can lower the rest-to-work ratio .During the high-intensity interval, your goal should be to have your heart pumping at 80% of its maximum rate. .
With this type of training, one can gain lots of benefits like muscle building, muscle retention, fat loss, and increased calorie burn ,strength building during and after the workout.
1.Calorie burn :
HIIT works on simple rule that is burning fat requires oxygen, and the more oxygen that gets inside your body the more fat your body burns. more extensive workout you perform more oxygen intake you need for recovery.This “after-burn” effect is referred to as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts.
So, one of the best effects of all that hard work from HIIT is that it will kick your body’s repair cycle into hyper drive, meaning you will actually continue to burn fat for 24-48 hours after interval training, not just during your workout.so if a person wants to burn calories in a right and efficient way he/she should perform HIIT in his daily routine .these activities gives a natural boost to human growth hormone production, which is essential for optimal health, strength.the fact is when you perform such activities it eventually burn extra fat without burning muscles and it will improve your insulin sensitivity and muscle growth.
2.Boost Metabolism : After you complete your afterburn or HIIT activities it will translate into a metabolic boost for up to 48 hours. HIIT helps build muscle mass, and muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells, HIIT further contributes to increasing your metabolic rate. which is the rate of energy expenditure by your body at rest (measured in kJ per hour per kg of body mass). gym lovers must add this HIIT activities in his daily routine to aid weight loss and keep your body health from inside .
3. increase stamina :
HIIT workout is hard and is super-good for your heart .researchers found that after 7 weeks of doing HIIT workouts, subjects could bicycle twice as long as they could before the study while maintaining the same pace. which is what you need for optimal cardiovascular benefit.Traditional strength training and cardio exercises work primarily the aerobic process, which provides maximum strength but less stamina that’s why you may not see the results you desire even when you’re spending an hour on the treadmill several times a week.but when it comes to high-intensity exercises, less really is more. You can get all the benefits you need in just a 20-minute session.thus in nut shell HIIT activities are best representation for high stamina .
4.versatile activities
Running, biking, jumping rope, and rowing all work great for HIIT, but you don’t need any equipment to get it done. High knees, fast feet, like jumping lunges work just as well to get your heart rate up fast. In fact, sometimes equipment can make HIIT less effective because you want the focus to be on pushing your heart to its max, not just any one muscle group.so HIIT have maximum versatile activities which you can perform in and out of gym to increase your healthy heart rate and metabolic rate too .
Pushing your body and your brain beyond your comfort zone will develop mental fitness and allow you to increasingly challenge yourself both during workouts and in your everyday life. these high intensive workouts will give you the confidence to tackle other challenges that come your way mentally and physically.