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How To And Why Avoid IP Spoofing In 2020

With the entire world working online in 2020 due to the pandemic, the internet can be a dangerous place and a fruitful source for hackers to make the most of all your data online. It is imperative thus to be protected from all the dangers of the internet, using IP Address and save yourself from “IP spoofing”. Read further to know more and keep yourself protected in every way possible!

What Is IP Spoofing, And Why Avoid It? 

Starting with the basics, Internet Protocol (IP) is known as the underlying protocol that is required for sending data across multiple Internet and computer networks. This involves each IP packet having a header that contains the IP address of the sender of the package. 


Sometimes, the sender’s address in the header can be altered to portray that it has been received from some other source. This is known as IP spoofing when it is done with illicit intentions. They can easily target you, websites, or applications in a highly dangerous and harmful manner. 


IP spoofing involves the creation of the Internet Protocol (IP) packets with changed or modified source addresses for malicious motives like hiding the identity of the sender or impersonating another computer system, sometimes both purposes. Often used by bad actors to invoke DoS/DDoS attacks against a target device or the surrounding infrastructure, IP spoofing creates IP packets with a false source. 


This sort of spoofing is essential in Denial-of-Service (DoS) assaults, which can overpower PC systems with traffic. In a DoS assault, programmers use spoofed IP addresses to overwhelm PC servers with packets of information, closing them down. Geologically scattered botnets — systems of traded off PCs — are regularly used to send the parcels. 


Another IP Spoofing strategy utilizes a “Man-in-the-Middle” attack to intrude on the correspondence between two PCs, modify the packages, and afterward transmit them without the first sender or beneficiary knowing. After some time, programmers gather an abundance of private data they can utilize or sell.


In frameworks that depend on trust connections among arranged PCs, IP Spoofing can be utilized to sidestep IP address confirmation. The thought behind the “castle and moat” protection is straightforward: Those outside the system are viewed as dangers, and those inside the system are trusted. When a programmer breaks the system and makes it inside, it’s anything but difficult to investigate the framework. Taking into account that powerlessness, utilizing straightforward verification as a safeguarded technique is being supplanted by progressively hearty security draws near, for example, those with the multi-step confirmation.

IP Spoofing is usually one of the most successful types of spoofing as mostly within corporate networks. All active routers control the provenience IP address and not the destination IP address. 

How To Avoid IP Spoofing

To understand this better, let us see how spoofing works. 

When the IP packets are reassembled at their destination, they use the TCP/IP protocol. The whole process requires a 3- way TCP handshake to finish the data transfer successfully. The process goes this way –

  • The source has to send an SYN message to the receiver to establish a connection between devices and servers. 
  • The receiver then sends back an ACK message to the source to acknowledge the connection 
  • Finally, to ensure the context for its security and confirmation, the source then sends an SYN-ACK message to the receiver. 


When the hackers have to spoof an IP address, they usually make a move just before the very last step of the TCP handshake. They work on intercepting it and also send a false confirmation that has a spoofed IP address and their device address. This makes the receiver get tricked into thinking they’re communicating with a trustable source by these hackers. This is the first example of IP spoofing to increase understanding. This can vary from case to case. 


To prevent IP Spoofing, there are several ways, from highly sophisticated to not so complicated for an average user. Various actionable steps can be done that are more suitable for IT specialists. These include – 

  • Migrating any websites you have from IPv4 to IPv6 that provides an additional level of security and offers authentication and privacy capabilities. 
  • Authenticate all IP addresses 
  • Keep a constant eye out for suspicious activity on your network 
  • Use DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), which is a kind of information handling that reviews in detail the information being sent over getting organized, and for the most part, makes a move by blocking, re-directing, or logging it in the best and safest manner. While profound parcel review can be utilized for simple reasons, for example, ensuring that information is in the right arrangement or checking for vindictive code, it can likewise be used for increasingly malicious acts. 
  • Use network attack blockers 
  • Use a trustable software firewall that protects computing resources 


For the regular- average Internet user, while the above steps can be done to protect from IP spoofing, however, the following steps are more feasible and easy to undertake – 


  • Avoid browsing HTTP websites, browse only HTTPS ones. HTTPS should be installed everywhere on your browsers to be on a much safer side. This ensures additional safety without much effort. 
  • For hiding your real IP and encrypting all traffic, using a VPN service works excellently. It makes it almost impossible for a hacker or cybercriminal to spoof IP address info and keep you away from such dangerous activities. 
  • Install antivirus or antimalware software like ESET or Malwarebytes to keep your network safe from malicious IP packets that may cause harm to your data. 


Keeping yourself safe from IP spoofing is the most prudent action in 2020. Follow the above tips and have a safe time on the internet!


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