We all think that crunches are going to give us that perfect washboard abs, right? But the fact is that crunches alone can’t do anything to melt away layers of fat from your abs. The first step to a strong core is getting rid of all the belly flab. Twist exercises do exactly that. They target the fat and at the same time work on your core muscles. Twist exercises not only work on your upper and lower abdominals, but also works on the oblique muscles.so you can say twisting your waist is the most complete workout for loosing belly fat .
so, In this blog we will show you about the use of boxes to perform belly twist activity. This workout involves balancing, strength and isolation. It strengthens the core, cinches the waist .
Progression :
- Choose the plain floor and place two boxes or any kind of solid objects .
- Now, try to jump backward with your waist turn around on two boxes .
- Now, slowly lift your feet off the floor and raise your calves as high as you can and land on the boxes.
- The Movement – hold the body for a second and then jump back to the floor in previous position.
- this will not only give you balance, strength but twist your waist too
- Repeat
Result :
A strong core is also important for physical strength and balance. Twist waist may help you achieve some muscle tone and whittle away fat around your midsection.
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